of study
that are visible in extreme untra-violet images of the sun are our
subjects of study. What are these loops? Some hypothesize that they are
just loops of current, others say that they are actually loops of
magnetic field lines. Whatever they are, they form interesting subjects
of study and scientific research. The stand we would be taking is an
attempt to support that they are indeed magnetic field lines. And
our model would be the force free magnetic field model. Using this as a
tool, our goal would be to model three dimesional magnetic field lines.
For plotting these field lines we need to find the values of α and z
that would best represent the loops. Why z? Finding z is crucial
because when we see any image, we cannot perceive how high the loops
are. So our best bet would be to use a program that would take the x
and y coordiantes of the loops and go through a range of values of z
and α giving us the best possible magnetic field line for a given
loop. In
scenario, constant α fields are an improbability. Different α s are
needed for different regions of coronal magnetic fields. However, the
constant α field
model provides us with an important tool to represent complicated
magnetic fields. One would assume that this model would not
work, but surprisingly it does.