Week 5
Importing IDL Data
Most of this week was spent manipulating the IDL loop data to be used with the SynthesizAR code. First, Monday was spent simply saving the loop data, then importing and plotting it in both 3D and 2D.

Tuesday was full of failures and errors while attempting to convert the loop pixel coordinates to heliocentric coordinates, as well as attempting, and failing, to parallelize and multithread the code to run faster.

After giving up on parallelization, Wednesday was spent rewriting the code to conform with Python standards, and then finally getting accurate lengths for the loops, and then plotting these using AIA.

Finally, on Thursday, the loop coordinates were combined with image headers to properly place the flare loops on the sun.

Unfortunately, it was discovered on Friday that these coordinates were still not correct, as the loops are placed flat on the curved sun. Additionally, my laptop broke, leaving me without a laptop to work on for the long weekend.

Week 6
The majority of this week was spent setting up the new laptop, as well as preparing for the midterm presentations. Monday and Tuesday were days off due to the holiday, and I didn't have a laptop anyways, so no work was done until Wednesday. On Wednesday, the majority of the day was spent setting up the python distribution on the solar servers, and no pictures are included. Finally on Thursday, some initial progress was made with importing the EBTEL results into python.

The entirety of Friday was spent either preparing for or actually giving the midterm presentation, which is included below.