Week 9
On Monday, miscellaneous changes were made to many of the plotting functions to beautify them. As well, the lightcurves for all loops for the peak of the flare were made.

Tuesday, new animations were made with the proper loot footpoints and half brightnesses, along with adequate coloring to see all the details.
Wednesday, it was finally discovered that the response functions being used by EBTEL and SynthesizAR were not the same, leading to the differences in the intensities.

Finally, on Thursday, the, hopefully, final (they weren't) animations were made with ALL of the loops! Additionally, the response function being used by EBTEL was imported into SynthesizAR.
Friday, comparison images were made between the synthetic images and actual AIA data. As well, distributions for temperature and pressure along the loops were introduced.

Week 10
Monday, initial images with the proper distributions were made, along with the final animations with the correct response functions.

Most of Tuesday was spent preparing for the final presentations on Wednesday, as well as making animations using the loops with proper distributions.
Wednesday was spent actually giving the Final presentation and developing the class website. Click here for the final PowerPoint, and here for the Midterm PowerPoint.
