Week 7
Finally, on Monday, I was able to successfully import all of the EBTEL results to their proper loops. Additionally, time iteration and loop distributions were added.

On Tuesday, all of the final preperations were made and initial animations for the filters were made. As well, somewhat proper coordinates were added, although not included in the animations.
On Wednesday, the somewhat proper coordinates were imported, and better animations were made, with 1/10 of the loops and images every one minute.
Thursday, I got incredibly humbled by literally just importing the wrong array, causing all of my coordinate issues.

On Friday, I added a few finishing plots and visualizations before running a full scale animation with 1/5 of the loops and proper coloring and coordinates.

Week 8
On Monday, the main SynthesizAR code was modified to allow saving of the maps and fields such that they can be called and plotted much quicker than they are generated.

On Tuesday, the saved maps were used to generate synthetic lightcurves for each AIA filter.

On both Wednesday and Thursday, it was discovered that the footprint areas of the loops were incorrect, and so the code was rewritten to utilize all of the server cores to generate the new maps. Additionally, it was shown that with the same loop properties, EBTEL and SynthesizAR give vastly different intensities, on the order of four times.

On Friday, the actual raw and EBTEL lightcurves were imported and compared with the SynthesizAR light curves.