Dear Collaborators,
The level of solar activity is moderate. The target unspotted region that was previously designated as NOAA 12996 has been inactive since the last message. NOAA regions 12993 and 12994 have now rotated over the North West limb. NOAA 12994 produced multiple C-class flares and several M-class flares since the last message, the largest being an M4.8 on 30-Apr-2022 at 09:48 UT. The target now switches back to the limb-crossing location of NOAA 12994 due to the heightened flaring activity of this region and the potential for large-magnitude flares being foot-point occulted by the limb. Additional C-class flares are expected over the following 24-hour period, with a small chance for another M-class flare.
The limb-crossing position of NOAA 12994 on 30-Apr-2022 at 13:30 UT is:
N15W90 , ( 919", 246" )
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Shaun Bloomfield (Northumbria University)