MM#009 Default HESSI Target
Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Target region now numbered NOAA 1316 continued to develop yesterday and was the source of C-class events. It appears to have entered a stable growth phase but could produce C-class events again today. A strong EFR located in the northeastern quadrant produced six C-class events today. The largest C-class event was a C5.3 at 10/12/11:37 UT. The sunspot group is currently a cluster of numerous small spots with some polarity mixing. At this time we will switch the target to the new EFR. Additional C-class activity from the EFR is expected during the next 24 hour period.
The position of the target region on August 12 at 15:00 UT is: N10E48 (Solar X = -706", Solar Y = 099")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research)