Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
The level of solar activity is low. Yesterday's target (NOAA 12125) was responsible for a C2.4 flare on 28-Jul-2014 at 14:10 UT, the largest since the previous message. There is slight evidence for flux emergence in the region's northern flank. On the other hand, the complex of NOAA 12126 and 12123 was responsible for B- and C-class activity. While flux emergence has subsided in NOAA 12126, there is evidence for substantial emergence in the intermediate portion of NOAA 12123. Limited FOV instruments should focus on this emerging flux region, and should include NOAA 12126, if possible. High B-class activity is expected and C-class activity is probable.
The position of NOAA 12123 on 29-July-2014 00:20 UT is:
S14W50, ( 701", -285" )
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Paul Higgins (Trinity College Dublin/LMSAL)