MM#003 Major Flare Watch
Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
NOAA 1164 was the source of a long duration M3.7 x-ray event at 02/07/20:01 UT. This flare was associated with a strong Type II radio event, a fast full halo CME, and a minor proton event. The largest x-ray event since the last message was an M5.3 at 03/08/10:44 UT. The M5.3 source region was NOAA 1165 on the SW limb. This region emerged on March 3 on the northern edge of NOAA 1165. It entered a very rapid growth phase on March 6 and quickly developed a complex beta-gamma-delta magnetic classification. There appears to be a strong delta configuration located in the trailing portion. 1165 is currently displaying bright H-alpha plage and surges as it rotates over the west limb. The target will switch from 1164 to 1165 today. Another large event is possible from 1165 before it rotates off the visible disk. 1164 (N24W66) and 1166 (N11E05) are also capable of producing an event equal to or greater than M5.
The position of the target (NOAA 1165) on March 08 at 11:30 UT is: S20W85 (Solar X = 904", Solar Y = -318")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research)