MM#009 Default Target
Dear Collaborators,
Target region NOAA 2864 (D-type/beta, N24E01) was the source of two B-class events since the last message. 2864 increased its sunspot area within its trailing portion but lost magnetic complexity. The target will switch to NOAA 2866 (D-type/beta). 2866 developed rapidly yesterday and produced four B-class events. The largest was a B5.1 at 09/05/13:00 UT. B-class events likely with the chance of an isolated C-class event if 2866 continues in growth phase.
The position of NOAA 2866 on September 05 at 15:30 UT is: S17E54 (Solar X = -733", Solar Y = -359")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research)