Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
There were four small C-class flares in the past 24 hours, all of which occurred in regions on or close to the east limb. In the coming days former NOAA 11172/11175 will rotate back onto the disk. These regions, currently on the east limb, produced at least two of the C class flares and one CME in the past 24 hours. In addition, the recently numbered NOAA 11186 is displaying complex magnetic topology and was the source of a number of the recent flares. This will become the target of choice for today with a chance of further C class activity.
The position of NOAA 11186 on 7-Apr-2011 at 17:30 UT is:
N22E48 ( - 661", 422" )
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Claire Raftery (SSL, UC Berkeley)