Dear Collaborators,
Solar activity continues to be at a medium level. The largest event in the past 24 hours was an M3.9 flare from behind the Southwest limb, probably due to the eruption of the filament located between NOAA 13990 and 13991 followed by a bright post-flare loop arcade.
The target region, NOAA 13998 has significantly increased its size (from 290 to 430 millionths) and continues to show a sign of flux emergence. This region produced 2 M class flares (M1.3 at 2:25 UT and M3.6 at 11:20 UT both on 2/25) and the latter event occurred between the leading negative sunspots and NOAA 13996's following positive sunspots. Today we will continues to observe NOAA 13998 on the area of leading (negative) sunspot, expecting additional C to M class events.
The position of the target in NOAA 13998 on 25-February-2025 at 16:30 UT is: S13W53 (755", -148").
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Regards, Aki Takeda (Montana State University) ---