MM#003 Major Flare Watch
Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Target region NOAA 2644 is now rotating over the northwestern limb. 2644 appears to be maintaining its complex beta-gamma-delta magnetic configuration and was the source of numerous occulted C-class events. The region is displaying almost continuous surge and spray-type prominences. Another M-class =>M5 is still possible before 2644 completes west limb passage. NOAA 2645 (S10W48, E-type/beta-gamma-delta) will produce C-class activity with the chance of an isolated M-class event.
The position of NOAA 2644 on April 04 at 13:30 UT is: N13W87 (Solar X = 932", Solar W = 219")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research)