MM#009 Default HESSI Target
Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
The largest event in the past 24 hours was an M4.0 at 01/04/19:46 UT. The primary location of the flare was in the trailing spotless plage of NOAA 1943 which is adjacent to the leading opposite polarity portion of NOAA 1944. There was likely an interaction between the two regions. 1944 also brightened during the event. 1944 increased its magnetic complexity adding a delta configuration located in the trailing sunspots. The region is now classified F-type/beta-gamma-delta. M-class activity likely with the chance of an event =/>M5 in the next 24 hours.
The position of NOAA 1944 on January 05 at 16:30 UT is: S08E28 (Solar X = -455", Solar Y = -083")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research)