Dear solar X-ray colleagues,
REMINDER: the deadline to register and submit abstracts is April 22, in just one week! I heartily encourage and invite you to attend this joint meeting.
Registration and abstract submission are NOW OPEN for the RHESSI 16th Workshop, co-hosted with the MinXSS 1st Workshop, to be held at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO, USA from June 19 to 24, 2017. The workshop website,, includes registration and abstract information, as well as logistical (travel, hotels, etc.) information. Anyone with an interest in high-energy solar physics is invited to attend.
Registration and abstracts are due April 22. The registration fee of $325 includes the entire week of the workshop. There is no separate abstract fee. The Welcome Reception, Banquet dinner, and all morning and afternoon coffee breaks are free to registered attendees. Companion tickets are available.
Specially-priced room blocks are available at selected Boulder hotels until May 18.
The workshop format will be a blend of plenaries at the beginning and end, with various topical working group sessions in between, covering a range of high-energy solar physics topics including acceleration and transport of electrons and ions, the solar atmospheric response to energy release (including thermal plasma), multi-wavelength observations (EUV, radio, etc.), and pertinent theory. There will also be sessions on next steps in RHESSI imaging; the MinXSS CubeSat status and data access; new results from MinXSS-1 on flare thermal emission and quiescent soft X-ray emission; and a discussion of future instrumentation.
The final science program will be determined based on your contributed abstracts, so please submit a presentation and help guide the scientific goals of this event.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about the workshop.
We look forward to seeing you all in Boulder this June!
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,
--- Amir, LOC chair